Shadow Work

In Anna’s shadow lived fear; on the surface, there was a determination to take everything on and pretend that all was well. Her lateness was a «glitch in the system,» a crack in her inner controller’s armor, meant to draw attention to the shadow.

Once Anna was able to view her internal reality from the outside, seeing the roles of the players and the impact of the script, the unconscious model of fear-hesitation-tension lost its grip on her. The adult Anna realized she now had a choice—something she didn’t have as a child. She no longer needed to please both parents, mimicking her father’s slow pace while responding to her mother’s pressure to hurry. Now, she could find her own rhythm—not just in her daily routine, but in her entire approach to time and life.

After several more sessions with her coach, Anna formulated a new strategy. She began by scheduling intentional pauses in her calendar to allow herself time to «come back to herself.» She also made room for activities that would help her «notice life,» such as leisurely walks, solo visits to exhibitions, and quiet movie nights.

At work, she started noticing moments when her team was putting in too much effort for too little result. They refocused on two key projects, which turned out to be breakthroughs for the company. And yes, Anna no longer runs up the stairs, late for meetings. She even rethought her approach to negotiations, realizing that fewer, more focused meetings were far more effective. She now has time to calmly enjoy a coffee before meetings, and this relaxed approach has helped her close several major deals.

The Power of Shadow Work

Shadow work unlocks the energy that was once tied up in maintaining destructive patterns. By integrating what was hidden, we free ourselves to live more fully. For Anna, this meant not just catching up with her life but learning to walk in step with it.



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